Hillbridges, s.r.o. is a limited liability company with its seat at Gorkého 4, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia, registered with the Commercial Register of Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section Sro, File No. 46755/B, ID (ICO): 36 799 327. Hillbridges, s.r.o. is authorised to provide legal services and is registered with and regulated by the Slovak Bar Association (Slovenska advokatska komora), under the Slovak Advocacy Act and regulations issued by the Slovak Bar Association.

Our Partners are qualified Slovak advocates (advokati) and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of England and Wales. The term “Partner”, when used on this web page in relation to Hillbridges, s.r.o., refers to a member of Hillbridges, s.r.o. or a consultant with equivalent qualifications and standing within the organisation of the firm and is not intended to imply any interest in or partnership with Hillbridges, s.r.o. The list of Partners can be inspected here. 
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We maintain mandatory professional indemnity insurance cover to cover damages for breach of our duties in the course of providing our professional services anywhere in the world at least in the amount prescribed by the relevant regulatory requirements applicable to our Firm from time to time. Our insurers are Allianz – Slovenská poisťovňa, a. s., Dostojevského rad 4, 815 74 Bratislava (Main Co-Insurer) and Colonnade Insurance S.A., Rue Eugène Ruppert 20, L-2453 Luxemburg, acting through Colonnade Insurance S.A., branch of insurance company from another member state, Štúrova 27, SK – 042 80 Košice, Slovakia (Co-insurer).